First VanDutch 48S for sale in the South of France. This 14.61m VanDutch 48S motor yacht represents the long awaited crossover that fills the vacuum between the VanDutch 40 and 55 models.
1176000 €
First VanDutch 48S for sale in the South of France. This 14.61m VanDutch 48S motor yacht represents the long awaited crossover that fills the vacuum between the VanDutch 40 and 55 models.
Head turning with her distinctive tender profile, including the unmistakable vertical bow and minimalistic deck lines, it provides enhanced volume and interior capacity from its 14.61-metre (48-feet) length.
Besides her sizeable, convertible cabin, the open top deck layout, the large aft and sun pad with hydraulic swim platform the VanDutch 48S offers great yacht performances – with top speeds up to 36 knots – thanks to her twin Volvo 725hp in a traditional line shaft propulsion.
This great VanDutch day cruiser, will entertain you with the yacht’s Illuminate lighting system, 2 x 17″ Helm Screens, joystick thruster controls and music remote for ultimate vessel control.
Options include the big engine package, Hydraulic swim platform and full length Superyacht Sunshade.
The 14.61m Van Dutch 48S motor yacht will undoubtedly be the most impressive day boat available on the market this Summer!
Reservoir (L)
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Avenue des frères Roustan
Port Camille Rayon 06220
Golfe Juan – FRANCE
+33 4 97 04 15 00
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